Kickass Teacher

“I am enough! I am good at what I do! I make a difference! Jamie gave me the permission and validation I need to believe I do enough, even though I cannot do it all!” — Julie Wysocky, Middle School Teacher

Did you know that teachers have among the highest rate of urinary tract infections because we literally don’t have time to pee?

Who is this “Kickass Teacher?” And why is she swearing in school?!! Jamie is the kind of girl who smuggles a kitten home from Indonesia and lays out at the pool of the Hilton without noticing there’s a toilet seat cover stuck to her backside. She loves adventure and the lessons learned from misadventures that come with it.

The mistake Jamie used to make as a teacher was believing she HAD to do it all. She has dedicated over 17 years of research and practice to learn the art of letting shit go and writing about it to support current educators under the oppression of overwork and overwhelm. Now Jamie serves her global community through writing, art and speaking. She currently works as the Curator of Education at the Wenatchee Museum and you can catch her there at one of the many programs she develops and directs (she has a call out for local writers right now)!

Jamie is the Founder of Kickass Teacher where she has worked with over 1000 leaders and educators internationally. She is the author of “Teach & Still Have Time to Pee” and was named one of the top 30 life coaches to look out for in 2022 by Distruptor Magazine! In her book, she shows us how to let go of major sources of overwhelm, to instead, focus on what matters most.

Jamie knows that we educators don’t need “fixing.” We are already enough. We need the kind of support that improves quality of life because…

There is no curriculum or training that will impact students the way happy teachers will!

Read more at: and view her photography at



(509) 557-8793