Wenatchee, WA. In a step to prepare for the future, Pinnacles Prep has scheduled its third year of 8th grade mini-internships for March of 2025, and is looking for businesses and organizations to participate.
The 8th grade mini-internship program is designed to connect students with organizations and businesses that match their future career aspirations or an area of personal interest. Pinnacles Prep is looking for businesses and organizations to host one or more of their 66 eighth grade students. Student candidates will submit resumes and cover letters to interested organizations as part of the selection process.
Ideal host sites will provide students with hands-on learning experiences and opportunities to develop new professional skills. Organizations will host the intern(s) for 2 – 3 hours a day for the 5 days of the week of March 10 – 14, 2025. Pinnacles staff can assist in creating projects for the interns. Transportation logistics will be provided for all students and there is no cost for organizations and companies to participate.
Pinnacles Prep’s mission is to make learning relevant, enabling students to think critically, build relationships, and navigate systems to make positive contributions to our world. The internship program will provide students with critical career connections while supporting our local businesses and organizations.
The 8th grade mini-internship program is a free opportunity for students to help explore a career in a specific industry and provide hands-on experience. Experiential learning remains the best way to learn important skills, such as professionalism, communication skills and confidence and self-knowledge. Hosting interns is an excellent way to renew organizational joy and fulfillment and can be as much of a benefit for the organization as it is for the student. Hosting youth internships can be a way to attract new talent, increase productivity, bring fresh ideas and enthusiasm to the workplace and boost morale all at the minimal cost to the organization.
We asked last year’s host sites what was the most satisfying aspect of being a host site, here’s what a couple had this to say about the program:
“How eager the students were to jump in and learn.”
“Getting to hear the interns talk about how proud they were about something they had worked on.”
“Hearing from my intern that they were actually learning relevant job skills.“
This program is open to any public, private, or nonprofit organizations in the region.
Interested businesses and organizations can register to host an internship at: Internship Interest For more information please contact Sara Rolfs at sara@pinnaclesprep.org or 509.888.6464.