Write On The River and NCW Libraries are partnering on our annual High School Writers Competition. Any student currently enrolled in 9-12th grade within the library service area is eligible to submit an entry. NCW Libraries serves Chelan, Douglas, Okanogan, Grant, and Ferry counties.
Write On The River is providing $200 in cash prizes to award three winners for excellence in original short fiction writing. Entry length should be 500-2,000 words. The writing must be the student’s own, original, previously unpublished work and written without the assistance of artificial intelligence. Students may submit one piece of writing per year. There is no entry fee.
Public school students, privately or home-schooled students, and students enrolled in Running Start are all eligible to participate. Submissions will be accepted now through April 11, 2025. For more information on the competition, guidelines, and to submit online visit www.ncwlibraries.org/writerscompetition or www.writeontheriver.org.
Due Date: 04/11/2025
Contact: jlynch@ncwlibraries.org